2008 m. spalio 30 d., ketvirtadienis

Why am I starting my weblog

Nowadays I am performing an investigation in the field of available Rich Internet Application technologies. The targeted customer is an isurance company which would like to move its client/server intranet applicatio to Web. The programming language is one of the thing we have allready made a positive decisions about.

I spent a lot of time looking for the frameworks and IDE. Everybody knows there is a lot of them and I in no case want to start fruitless discussions on what frameworks or IDE is better. Nevertheless, I would not object comparying them to each other as far as we consider a feature in respect to abovementioned needs.

My main goal now is to help people who are installing a lot of different software, evaluating it, combining it with other pieces of soft and having lots of headackes, not to repeate mistakes that I did.

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